I’ve been taking a break from posting on social media. Both intentionally and unintentionally.



Unintentionally, because at first I just didn’t feeling like sharing anything. And I didn’t want to be posting things online just for the sake of the number of likes I would get or of posting for posting’s sake.

But then it became intentional, because I realized the reason I didn’t feel like sharing was because I didn’t LIKE what I was sharing. Or rather… I didn’t like that I was ONLY sharing my fine art photography. So I decided to take a step back to figure out what it was beyond photography that I was wanting to share.



Now, I don’t think I need to share absolutely every aspect of my life online, but as I was taking my little social media hiatus, I realized that the way my life has changed this last year meant there was so much more of me that I COULD be sharing. I’ve been working on my house, it’s my first year of gardening on my own, and I have so many sewing and DIY projects going on. To not share these things just felt like I wasn’t being true to what really makes me happy and what I’ve started to feel more and more passionate about over the past twelve(ish) months.



I finally realized that I wasn’t happy with what I was posting because I wasn’t sharing all of the things I’ve been working on lately. So starting today, I’m back from my little break now, and while I will still be sharing my photography on my facebook and instagram, I am also going to start sharing all the other things I am learning and doing. Because now it’s more than just me, Freya, and my camera that take up my days.

I also have a kitty named Pixel and maybe one day also chickens or sheep or goats. Who knows? I also have eight pots of vegetables that I hope will turn to a whole garden full of veggies in the coming years. I have a 1905 farmhouse that I am slowly making mine. And all of these things are not things I want to hide away in favor of only sharing my beautifully edited images.



So today is the start of it all blending together and sharing who I really am, and what I really spend my days getting up to. Because at the end of another long day, when you’re finally relaxing on the couch and able to scroll through Facebook, I want you to stumble upon what I’ve shared and feel like you had spent the day with me here at my little future farm. I want you to now from what I share with you that if we met in person, we would get along quite nicely.

Because my biggest hope is that in doing all of this, it will inspire you to continue your own creativity journey and to enjoy the many, many directions and places it will take you.