She’s Not Just for Children: Three New Pieces Inspired by Mother Goose

. . "Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of grace, Wednesday's child is full of woe, Thursday's child has far to go. Friday's child is loving and giving, Saturday's child works hard for a living, But the child born on the Sabbath Day, Is fair and wise and good and gay. - Mother Goose   I first heard the poem Monday’s Child several years ago. It was a beautiful late summer afternoon, and I had just spent the day photographing my youngest sister in the flowerbeds of our back garden. Attempting (and failing) to find a [...]

By |2017-05-22T15:58:43-04:00April 26th, 2017|New Piece|0 Comments

I Would Spend Every Day Here If I Could

When I moved to the city, I expected I would be spending the next few years of my life as a minimalist. In fact, I expected to find myself confined to a capsule wardrobe, collapsible kitchen table, and multi-purpose kitchen/bed/living/dining room all contained in an apartment roughly the size of my childhood bedroom.   Every morning I work on my various photography projects with a glass of Teapigs Licorice & Peppermint Tea. The tea in this shot is real... the amount of organization... not so much.   So when a kindly realtor took me to the sixth and [...]

By |2017-05-22T14:23:07-04:00April 19th, 2017|Behind the Scenes|2 Comments

When Time is the Enemy…

Have you ever regretted not documenting something? Maybe it was that one time you forgot your camera, or that one time you saved all of your tickets from trips to foreign lands, only to misplace them somewhere. Eventually you forget the memories entirely. You forget where you placed all those souvenirs, and eventually they disappear, never to be seen again. When I finished Daughters of the King, the entirety of what I had spent the last three years creating was scattered across various blog posts, website pages, and costume trunks. I felt almost like someone who had misplaced their [...]

By |2017-05-22T14:02:12-04:00April 12th, 2017|Announcement|0 Comments

Exclusive! Finding My Way Out of Sorrow: Where Passages Began

Two and half years ago, I was more depressed than I had ever remembered being. This is perhaps a rather dramatic thing for me to say, considering no one had died and neither myself nor anyone close to me had sustained any life-changing injury or illness. Really, it was something almost trivial… but it brought me to my knees, all the same. For months, I whispered my prayers, asking for just a little bit of brightness at a time when happiness eluded me. The heartache and inescapable sadness I felt is something I can still remember to this day...   [...]

By |2017-05-22T14:24:41-04:00April 6th, 2017|Passages|0 Comments


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